Thursday, December 12, 2013

       This time of the month is very hectic and confusing especially with the snow and ice on the ground. Since i have a job and actually have money to buy people gifts this year i have to go out and wait on all the lines to find gifts fro people and it is not that easy. Although i have a license i do not have a car to get from place to place and back again. I hope this year i get a car for Christmas it is the only thing i want and need. I have a feeling i wont be getting that this year because times are tough for everyone in this economy this year and i understand completely so i won't be mad if i dont get one.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

These last two weeks have been extremely long starting last week with Thanksgiving. having to run from two different houses for two different dinners. Black Friday was ling being that i was up all night in order to get my girlfriends gift. then i had work from 5-9. Then this week i have been bombarded with work and having to help my family decorate for the holidays. now today i have to help decorate again and help my great aunt with her work =. hopefully work on friday will be easy and i can end the week nicely.