Sunday, October 27, 2013

The first research assignment I can remember having to do was an assignment on Global warming. I did the project in middle school at IS 75 while I was on the Robotics Team. I believe I was in 7th grade when I did this project. I cannot remember if I did any research projects in elementary school it is too far back too remember. I remember that most people were not truly informed about global warming and that daily the world is being seriously affected by this phenomenon.
      This project was not selected by my group we were given the topic by the league and had to research the topic as part of the contest. Our teacher and many other teachers helped us gain knowledge on the topic as we learned a lot more then we had ever known. Our librarian had helped us by given us a chance to use the school library to do research. She showed us how to use the internet, databases and new articles to research our topic.

     I enjoyed doing that project because behind the research project we had to create Lego robotics to perform tasks that could represent a real life object to counter and make a change to the problem is the world. So this research project was somewhat hands on and experimental. That year my team would go on to the state championship and come in 3rd place. The judging was based not only on the robotics but a big part was the research project. The research weighted heavily on the scoring so our research had to be really good.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like it was a wonderful experience Thomas. I'm also glad to read that your school librarian was a part of the project in helping your team find good sources on the Internet and databases.
