Sunday, November 3, 2013

        I work best two different ways based on the Harvard researcher. One way I learn best is Logical which involves using numbers and number sequencing to fully understand certain topics. When it comes to certain subjects like math, and science I learn better when I use logical thinking. Since in those subject numbers are the most important things to understand. I like having all the information in front of me and I have to read it to find my answers. I find it much easier to understand something when it’s in a chart in front of me.
     The other way I learn is Interpersonal which means I like working in groups. I only like working in small groups not in groups more than 3 because then I feel the others will get distracted. When working in small groups I can ask others for help if I get stuck so I could use the others to keep me on track. Sometimes I myself can get distracted and need others help to keep me focused.

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