Wednesday, November 13, 2013

     In my final months of High School i want to learn things that will actually help me when i get into college and when i graduate and begin my life. Right now all we learn is knowledge that we would need in order to pass a regent at the end of the year. We don't learn how to cash a check or fill out a bank slip or even how to find a decent job and understand the true value of money in the world today. We get these classes that are useless to us and pass them but when we go out into the world they mean absolutely nothing to anyone.
     When i get to college i know the work load is going to be a lot heavier and a lot harder. The classes there will actually help me in life and get me some where someday. The knowledge i will acquire will actually mean something to someone one day and it will get me a job and i can live my life how i want to live. High School is meaningless when you come to think of it we gain pointless knowledge that won't get us anywhere in life except pass a test that is also meaningless. 
     The only class that will actually help me in life is Ms Vendra's Statistics and finance class. This class will teach me how to balance a check book or looking into buying a house or a car. This class will also come in handed in college when i take a statistics class there and already know how to do most of the problems and topics. Unfortunately i only take this class for one year and will not have enough time to learn it all i wish i had it for all four years of my High School career or at least classes like it.

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