Monday, November 25, 2013

     This weekend was really interesting and was annoying all at the same time. Starting the weekend off i had work Friday night. I work at Jimmy Max from 5 to either 9,10, or 11 depending on the night and whose turn it is to get off first. Although i dread going to work every week its something i have to do to show my parents that i am responsible and to have my own pocket money to use and to take my girlfriend out. It also pays good i get paid $5 and hour plus i get tips so i walk out making $50+.
     While at work i had already made plans with my girlfriend for Saturday. We were going to the movies to see the new Hunger Games movie "Catching Fire." All night i thought about how nice it would be for the two of us to go out. The next day at around 8:30 we went to the theater to get seats and the place was packed. The movie was amazing and i would defiantly go see it again. the first one was good but this one was 10 times better then it. i just did not like the way it ended leaving u at suspense especially because you would have to wait almost a whole year for the next one to come out.
     The next day was not so great i was waken up really early to go with my family to some of the Christmas fairs and to walk around with them. I was excited because later that day was the Giants games one of the biggest games of the year which they had to win. I rushed home and turned the game on at 4:25 and sat there with my girlfriend and family in hope the Giants would win. As the game drew to a close the Giants had tied the game with under 2 minutes remaining. Unfortunately the Giants did not win a lost by 3 points in the last 4 seconds of the game which ruined my night.    

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