Thursday, November 14, 2013

     This year has been completely different from my past 3 years in High School. This year I have experienced a lot of changes in my life not only in school but out do school as well. Also this year I have began to look into colleges and see what career I want to do for the rest of my life. I am not use to any of this it is hard to comprehend it all because this year is happening so fast it's already almost half way over.
     Outside of school my life has changed as well. I finally reached my goal and got my license, something I have been working on since the end of last year, when I started drivers ed. My next step is getting my car and I will be set and accomplished my goals. Also another big change is I met my girlfriend Corrine, which really changed my life and she helps me keep my mind straight and focused on what I have to do. Also she has helped me change my personality from someone who was constantly grumpy to someone who cracks a smile everyone once and a while.
     Overall this year a has been a big reality check on what is to come in the following years in my life.  I feel I am maturing faster and better with my head straight and held high as I am ready to move on into college. Nothing I'm life is easy and there will be ups and downs but I must keep my mind focuses and do what I have to do in order to become successful in college and my career. It just seems really scary that in a less then a year I'll be in college and looking for a job to begin the hardest part of my life.

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